Daniel Fiala—Michael C. Miller Travel Award

About the Award

Michael C. Miller Travel Award:
Submit a 500 word essay to demonstrate why they would like to travel and what they might achieve from this funding.

888 Dupont Continued

Will act as both a support and leader for a new culture of sustainable building practice through regeneration. This is achieved three-fold through environmental impact mitigation by material life extension, community-focused relationship building, as well as circular investment into itself and its workers.

Toronto’s Dupont Street once played a key role in its industrial heritage. Old factories are now breweries, nightclubs, and cafes. The reuse of brick factories became the street’s trademark character. Lined with HVAC specialists, construction suppliers, plumbers, and mechanics, there is a strong culture of repair in which the neighbourhood celebrates the local trades. However, as a historically low-density area, many original services are being sold to the highest bidder. Street corners are being demolished for luxury towers signifying a demographic shift to one that instead values replacement.

Dupont Street’s ongoing loss of repair-and-reuse culture is best exemplified with the story of 888 Dupont. Holding a vital place in the community over the past century, its doors have just closed for redevelopment, marking its end-of-life. The Regeneration Center proposes an alternative timeline for the building, one where its story is allowed to continue. It will set an example, memories and age are invaluable qualities that should not be thrown away like landfill.

Will act as both a support and leader for a new culture of sustainable building practice through regeneration. This is achieved three-fold through environmental impact mitigation by material life extension, community-focused relationship building, as well as circular investment into itself and its workers.

Toronto’s Dupont Street once played a key role in its industrial heritage. Old factories are now breweries, nightclubs, and cafes. The reuse of brick factories became the street’s trademark character. Lined with HVAC specialists, construction suppliers, plumbers, and mechanics, there is a strong culture of repair in which the neighbourhood celebrates the local trades. However, as a historically low-density area, many original services are being sold to the highest bidder. Street corners are being demolished for luxury towers signifying a demographic shift to one that instead values replacement.

Dupont Street’s ongoing loss of repair-and-reuse culture is best exemplified with the story of 888 Dupont. Holding a vital place in the community over the past century, its doors have just closed for redevelopment, marking its end-of-life. The Regeneration Center proposes an alternative timeline for the building, one where its story is allowed to continue. It will set an example, memories and age are invaluable qualities that should not be thrown away like landfill.

Travel Statement

In thanks to Michael C. Miller, through the architectural exchange program I will travel to the Bergen Architecture School. I am drawn towards Norway when compared to other exchange options in large metropolitan locations because of its ‘isolation’. Being in Toronto, I feel comfortable with my creative inspirations of urban life. Living and studying in a smaller city surrounded by natural landscape, these comforts would no longer be easily accessible. I want to be forced to focus on both developing my philosophies about architecture and be thrown into a new world of abundant inspiration.

In Scandinavia I will be taught many cross-applicable lessons on vernacular construction methods to complement the built form with natural landscapes; and critically, how they have adapted them with contemporary technology. These could apply to the Canadian landscape. Where at TMU I have developed a strong technical knowledge and skill in digital representation I want to fill a gap with more hands-on approaches to design. The program at BAS promotes the creative process through drawing and modelling. Here, I will have the opportunity to collaborate with local Norwegian students and share each other’s strengths.


Toronto Metropolitan Department of  Architectural Science Toronto, CA.