Where many religious holidays have fallen under the propensity of advertising commercialism, Sukkot has remained devout to its intentions, using architecture as a vehicle for rememberance, reflection and devotion to God. Guiding Light serves to assert this tradition through the use of narrative in hopes to retell the events of Sukkot to those old and new to the holiday. The narrative is told through a behavioural and experential aspect, allowing it to be impartial to age, language or culture. The entrance, occupied by wooden members of various lengths, illustrates the darkness, chaos and enslavement or the Israelites in Egypt.
Transitioning further in the sukkah, the wooden members start to dissipate and punctures in the wall allow some light to permeate. This procession characterizes the 40 Year Sojourn of the Israelites in the desert. As the individual reaches the wall, they are greeted by an abundance of light, representing the arrival at the Promised Land. Light becomes a recurring motif, representing God. The light signifies the presence of God and ultimately guides the individual from tragedy to hope. With the sequestered nature of the interior, allowing light to enter and only views looking up to the sky, visitors are greeted with repose and tranquility for self-reflection and understanding.
Guiding Light
Where many religious holidays have fallen under the propensity of advertising commercialism, Sukkot has remained devout to its intentions, using architecture as a vehicle for rememberance, reflection and devotion to God. Guiding Light serves to assert this tradition through the use of narrative in hopes to retell the events of Sukkot to those old and new to the holiday. The narrative is told through a behavioural and experential aspect, allowing it to be impartial to age, language or culture. The entrance, occupied by wooden members of various lengths, illustrates the darkness, chaos and enslavement or the Israelites in Egypt.
Transitioning further in the sukkah, the wooden members start to dissipate and punctures in the wall allow some light to permeate. This procession characterizes the 40 Year Sojourn of the Israelites in the desert. As the individual reaches the wall, they are greeted by an abundance of light, representing the arrival at the Promised Land. Light becomes a recurring motif, representing God. The light signifies the presence of God and ultimately guides the individual from tragedy to hope. With the sequestered nature of the interior, allowing light to enter and only views looking up to the sky, visitors are greeted with repose and tranquility for self-reflection and understanding.

The sukkah is divided into three primary sections, each outlining a significant event in Sukkot.