A team of entrepreneurial DAS students designed, fabricated, and installed the major design elements of Hale Coffee Roster's location in the Junction. Supporting other entrepreneurial efforts within the Ryerson Zone ecosystem, the students defined the aesthetic of the coffee roasters' flagship facility.
Hale Coffee
A team of entrepreneurial DAS students designed, fabricated, and installed the major design elements of Hale Coffee Roster's location in the Junction. Supporting other entrepreneurial efforts within the Ryerson Zone ecosystem, the students defined the aesthetic of the coffee roasters' flagship facility.

Within this environment, the plants' responses to the various stimuli in the room are highlighted via the use of black light.
The tesselation of plant and fabricated components atop visitors will prove to be an engaging piece that draws attention to the self-organizing systems at play in plant growth, but also investigates the dichotomy of natural and artificial.
The tesselation of plant and fabricated components atop visitors will prove to be an engaging piece that draws attention to the self-organizing systems at play in plant growth, but also investigates the dichotomy of natural and artificial.