Jack Hache— RAIC Honour Roll

About the Award

For those students who have achieved high academic standing in the top 10% of their graduating class.


The rise of the modern world of capital produced and exploited the paradigm of the extrovert as an essential characteristic of the modern man. In architecture, contemporary practice embodies its own extrovert ideal. Buildings have become extroverted in line with a late phase of capitalism that is focused on global communication and the power of the image. In contrast, an Introvert Architecture resists monumentalization and the reduction to a mere image. Comparable to the introverted man, Introvert Architecture is built from character and contemplation. It is rooted in deep introspective theory, desiring to produce rational, well-organized spaces that are inherently tied to the fundamental relationships that architecture has with context and occupants. This thesis aims to distinguish an Introvert Architecture from the extrovert ideal.

Extrovert Architecture = Desire to Produce an Image +
Form Governed by Capital

Introvert Architecture = Desire to Build Relations +
Form Governed by Context

The Allan Gardens Temporary Exhibition Museum (The Museum) offers new and enhanced exhibition, administrative, and utility services to the Allan Gardens Park and the Conservatory. The leading purpose of The Museum is to create a series of exhibition spaces that offer space for artists and performers to occupy and engage with the surrounding site and community. These exhibition spaces, both interior and exterior, become a dynamic space for display, creation, assembly, and performance. Giving agency to the artist and visitors to make use of and experience the space in their own distinctive style. The exhibition spaces are designed to be easily adaptable by the artists, giving them complete curatorial power. The Museum considers an architecture that is not created from a desire for monumentation or recognition, but rather, uses its relationships to site, context, and occupants as the governing body for the architecture. The building is entirely born from its context and its relationships with the act of an exhibition. Collectively, the Introvert Architecture Equation, and the Allan Gardens Temporary Collections Museum design project, work to demonstrate the power of non-extroverted architecture, the Introvert Architecture


Toronto Metropolitan Department of  Architectural Science Toronto, CA.