Katy Cao—Christian Martinelli Memorial Award 

About the Award

Christian Martinelli Memorial Award:
For a student who demonstrates a passion for Building Science within Architecture and is a leader and consensus builder.

With the rising issue of housing affordability in Toronto, this project involved creating a new garden suite for a client who was looking to move from their Toronto home to live in the same lot as their parents in London, Ontario. Surrounded by a forest of maple trees, the client had a deep admiration for wood interiors and sustainable material options. Taking this into account, the design team led by principal architect Duncan Patterson worked with the clients on creating a design that maximised solar heat gain with south-facing glazing and incorporated elements like green roofs, earthen floors, and wood interiors crafted from the trees harvested and milled from the surrounding forest. During this project, I worked on designing wall section details of crucial parts of the construction of the envelope.

Additionally, I had set up a BEAM (Building Emissions Accounting for Materials) calculations model for the project. Created by the Builders for Climate Action, BEAM helps visualise the carbon footprint of a project based on the inputs by the designer. Further into the design, the model was then modified and different scenarios were created with varying materials to compare and contrast how different assemblies would impact the home’s overall carbon footprint. Overall, this was a project that has given me the freedom to learn and explore useful tools that designers can utilise to become better advocates for our environment.


Toronto Metropolitan Department of  Architectural Science Toronto, CA.