Experiments in New-Wood Through Digital Making
This thesis builds on the foundation of dimensional wood. It investigates the field of digital fabrication to identify the adjacently-possible tectonics and design-build processes which are unlocked by the mass-customized logic of this new technology.
Following the process of design-research, a digitally-guided method is generated, leveraging the unique properties of this computer-aided craft. This method is used to make several building forms which serve to define the tectonics that emerged from within the performed research.
This method was then partly formalized into a 3D printable kit of parts used for rapid prototype of open-form designs. The core concept is for anyone to be able to download a kit-of-parts at a smaller scale, being then able to translate that into a tectonics of architectural form.
Experiments in New-Wood Through Digital Making
This thesis builds on the foundation of dimensional wood. It investigates the field of digital fabrication to identify the adjacently-possible tectonics and design-build processes which are unlocked by the mass-customized logic of this new technology.
Following the process of design-research, a digitally-guided method is generated, leveraging the unique properties of this computer-aided craft. This method is used to make several building forms which serve to define the tectonics that emerged from within the performed research.
This method was then partly formalized into a 3D printable kit of parts used for rapid prototype of open-form designs. The core concept is for anyone to be able to download a kit-of-parts at a smaller scale, being then able to translate that into a tectonics of architectural form.
Following the process of design-research, a digitally-guided method is generated, leveraging the unique properties of this computer-aided craft.