Ted Bulaclac— OAA Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Award

About the Award      

This award recognizes students with exemplary work related to the topics of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) and/or Truth & Reconcilliation. 

Commentary on the GTA's Missing Middle: The Gateway

In collaboration with Ysabel Arboleda. 

The streetscape of the Shoppers World site in Brampton is comprised of typical tower-podium and condensed townhouse residential typologies that produce poor pedestrian experience and walkability. In comparison to the Dutch urban residential ideal, the City of Brampton fails to establish a lively community, circular, and commuter-focused living.

The Gateway prioritizes this pedestrian experience by creating a main communication corridor between the transit station and the community hub. The introduction of landscaping at grade through reflecting pools, grassy pits, and continuous tree lines creates a dynamic travel experience and various public gathering spaces. Larger multi-level 3 and 4-bedroom units with staggered sunrooms and communal rooftop patios with winter gardens cater to the large multi-generational demographic in Brampton. Constructed utilizing a sustainable lightweight Trespa panelized cladding system following a CLT structure.

Toronto Metropolitan Department of  Architectural Science Toronto, CA.