2022 Collaborative Exercise

The 2022 Collaborative Exercise is a four-day charrette event bringing together over 300 undergraduate students supported by graduate students, faculty, sessional instructors and visiting professionals. Students work intensively in teams over four days and learn how to collaborate while they focus on preparing a design response to one of ten international architectural competitions. This online exhibition features the work that resulted from this event organised around these ten architectural competitions:

  • Carbon Positive Affordable Housing
  • Urban Chair 2.0: Rethinking Street Furniture
  • Birdwatching in the Chester Meadows
  • Future Home
  • Port of Beirut Renewal
  • 2022 Timber Competition
  • MEXTROPOLI 2022 Pavilion
  • The Mies Memorial Library
  • Healthy Homes / Affordable Housing
  • Canadian Institute of Steel Construction Annual Architectural Student Design Competition: "A Bridge to a View"
As a practitioner whose firm literally has “Collaborative” as our middle name, I can’t stress enough how important it is for our new professionals to develop skills in working closely together on teams with people they didn’t chose and don’t necessarily even know.

The Collaborative Exercise is a real-time 4-day experiment in learning what works and what doesn’t when trying to creatively solve problems in a group. 
— Daniel Hall

Toronto Metropolitan Department of  Architectural Science Toronto, CA.