Suicides and self harm have risen by ten folds over the course of the past 10 years causing concern for the elites control over society. In response In the newly refined Rentist society of the future, the hierarchy to this issue at hand, the elites have assigned a number of architects under monopolize on modern day technologies that society depends on. the governing headquarters to curate the development of a permanent Over the course of the past 25 years, architecture has growingly emotional exhibition for society in the heart of Toronto at Queens Park. This become dependent upon these technologies and has consequently exhibition hopes to reduce the amount of deaths by creating spaces that created mass standardization of the city today. The mass production evoke the emotional responses people have lost over the years. It will be the Primary access to the site is through the skydoor As a participant enters the room, the pod walls High volumes of people make their way through Large concrete tubes are subtracted from Acrylic tubes carry light through the space to Simple rectalinear room transforms as you move Simple rooms are formed and are integrated to Participants are encouraged to find their own Slimmy walls, floors and cielings make it dificult of standardization residential and commercial developments center for research for the governance headquarters in hopes of one day fully with driverless taxi services, where the primary begin to surround the occupant and forming a an enclosed room when they soon relize they to form grand space creating a sense of the water below where reflections of light create through the space causing you you fall to below appear as the observer cannot escape. All four paths and explore, Hoping to evoke a sense of for ocucpants to encounter. A sesnse of discust alongside growing dependence on technology, has stripped the understanding how to create and control the emotional responses of the participant recieves a grand welcoming to pod have to climb a large net room enclosure to insignificance the sense of infinity inflatable surface faces have bright neon lights, evoking a sense of joy is evoked through slow moving pulsating individual of their emotions and have created merely shells of human individual in artificial intelligence technology.